Kamis, 27 Juni 2013



Self-directed Learning adalah kegiatan belajar mandiri, sedangkan orang yang melakukannya sering disebut siswa mandiri (self-directed learners). Siswa mandiri diibaratkan sebagai para manajer dan pemilik tanggung jawab dari proses pembelajaran yang mereka lakukan sendiri. (Abdullah, 2001)

Self-directed learning is self-learning activities, while those who do are often called independent students (self-directed learners). Students self-described as the manager and owner of the responsibility of the learning process that they do themselves. (Abdullah, 2001)

The characteristics

o Responsibility, in control and direct their own learning in the hands of learners.
o Freeing learners to not have to be in one place in a certain time.
o Adequate variety of materials, including study guides and syllabi are detailed as well as access to all members of the faculty (education) that provide tutoring services.
o Communication between the instructor or tutor learners achieved through one or a combination of multiple communications technologies.
(Institute for Distance Education University of Maryland)
o There was intent, motive, or a willingness to undertake efforts to achieve competence. (Mudjiman, 2008)
o Progress with or without the help of others. (Mudjiman. 2008)


process learning in SDL is divided as three which is planning, monitoring, and evaluating.
v  On planning phase (planning), student plots activity on place and time where abouts student perceive cozy for learned. Student also plot desirable studying component and determines studying target that wants to be reached.
v   On monitoring phase, student observes and observasing is their learning. There are many studying daring that can be found by student while student monitors their study so will make more studying process wherewith. 
v   In phase evaluates, student evaluates study and proprietary science then teacher gives to feed back and collaboration is the one student science with is another to reach a grasp that really. Teacher can't evaluate student face to face since diversity of studying process each student.


1. Can train the development of self learning skills necessary for learning melaksanakanlifelong after the period of formal education. (Mudjiman, 2008)
2. To inspire the motivation to learn. (Mudjiman, 2008)
3. Eliminate strees in learning.

SDL'S learning steps is divided as 6 stages which is: 

(1 ) preplanning (early activity processes learning) 

 (2 ) create environmentally studying which positif 

 (3 ) develop learning 's plans

 (4 ) identify learning activity that appropiate

(5 ) perform learning and monitoring activity
(6 ) evaluate individual studying results.


self directed learning in a general way is autodidact. studying that at goes upon for intention and motivation thyself to reach to the effect learning which makes the point it at own determine

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